
醫師姓名 投稿題目
廖漢聰醫師 Ipsilateral Transnasal Medial Canthopexy for Treatment of Delayed Post-traumatic Telecanthus.
2020年--KSPRS webinar

醫師姓名 投稿題目
  1. Principle of cleft reconstruction.
  2. Unilateral cleft lip repair, nasal over-correction.
  3. Bilateral cleft lip repair, complete, asymmetric and microform.
  4. Primary palatoplasty, modified Furlow method.
  5. Current trend in cleft care.
柯雯青醫師 Midface Distraction.
  1. VPI Treatment Protocol in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.
  2. Alveolar Bone Grafting.
  3. Image Application in Cleft Patients.
  1. Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair: Mohler Incision.
  2. Integrated Approach for Bilateral Cleft Repair.
  3. Secondary Alveolar Bone Grafting.
  4. Secondary Cleft Lip/Nasal Revision.
廖郁芳醫師 Orthodontics in cleft orthognathic surgery.
  1. Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair : Back Cut or Not.
  2. Furlow Palatoplasty: The Learning Curve.
  3. Secondary Revision of Cleft Lip.
姚全豐醫師 Virtual Planning and Surgical Tips in Cleft OGS.
陳韻芳醫師 Pre-Surgical Orthodntics.
王郁智醫師 Orthodontic Managememt of Cleft Dental Anomatics.
2020年--11th International Workshop in Cleft Lip/Palate, Chang Gung Forum 2020 Webinar,共計9位醫師參加

醫師姓名 投稿題目
  1. Interdisciplinary management of velopharyngeal dysfunction in cleft lip and palate patients.
  2. International course.” Cleft lip and Palate Unit, Pediatric Maxillofacial Surgery.
2020年--Vall D’hebron University, Barcelona, Spain

醫師姓名 投稿題目
  1. Comparison of Posteromedial Thigh Profunda Artery Perforator (PAP) Flap and Anterolateral Thigh Perforator (ALT) Flap for Head and Neck Reconstruction.
  2. 3D printing in mandibular reconstruction.
2019年--AOCMF Head and Neck reconstruction

醫師姓名 投稿題目
  1. Endoscopic approach for subcondylar fractures.
  2. he radiographic and functional outcome of bilateral mandibular condylar head fractures.
2019年--62nd Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

醫師姓名 投稿題目
  1. A role of comprehensive cleft care in Asia Pacific”, “Cleft orthognathic surgery: An update.
  2. A model of longitudinal surgical cleft care: Maximizing the effect and minimizing the burden.
周邦昀醫師 Identifying Three-Dimensional Facial Fluctuating Asymmetry in Normal Pediatric Individuals: A Panel Assessment Outcome Study of Clinicians and Observers.
鈕蓮辛(助理) Intraoral scanning and setting up the digital final occlusion in 3D planning of orthognathic surgery: Its comparison with the dental model approach (poster).
洪乙丹(助理) Three-Dimensional Region-Based Study on the Relationship Between Soft and Hard Tissue Changes After Orthognathic Surgery in Patients with Prognathism (poster).
2019年--9th Asian Pacific Cleft Lip-Palate and Craniofacial Congress,共計2位醫師及2位研究助理參加

醫師姓名 投稿題目
  1. Maintaining the Midline and Facial Symmetry in 3D Planning.
  2. Maintaining the Midline and Facial Symmetry in Surgical Execution.
  1. Presurgical preparation: less is more.
  2. Orthodontic consideration and management of Class III skeletal deformities.
  1. Management of Facial Asymmetry: Skeletal and Soft Tissue.
  2. Adjunctive Surgeries with Orthognathic Surgery.
  3. Dice Cartilage Rhinoplasty for Cleft Nose Deformities.
陳盈安醫師 Surgery first approach for Class III malocclusion.
廖郁芳醫師 Surgery first approach for Class III malocclusion.
  1. Orthodontic consideration of mandibular retrusion.
  2. Advice to Start Surgery-First Orthognathic Surgery: An Orthodontist’s Perspective.
2019年--International Workshop on Surgery-First Orthognathic Surgery,共計6位醫師參加

醫師姓名 投稿題目
陳怡璇醫師 The nasal changes affected by 2 different alar base suture techniques after maxillary Le Fort I osteotomy—A preliminary study.
黃炯興醫師 Evaluation of female and male attractiveness in young adults.
陳潤茺醫師 Definitive facial correction of craniofacial microsomia: orthodontic treatment consideration.-(The 16th Congress of International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS).
邱鈺婷醫師 Getting a good auricular image from 3dMD photogrammetric system.
劉人文醫師 Nasoalveolar molding : Its long term effect on nasal morphology and facial growth.
  1. Comparative success of primary gingivoperiosteoplasty versus secondary alveolar bone grafting in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate.
  2. Primary gingivoperiosteoplasty rather than nasoalveolar molding is related to unfavorable maxillary growth in unilateral cleft lip and palate.
  3. Three-dimensional evaluation of pharyngeal airway after bimaxillary surgery for skeletal Class III deformities.
  1. Changes of masticatory electromyography after orthognathic surgery and the relations with surgical stability in skeletal Class III malocclusion.
  2. The nasal changes affected by 2 different alar base suture techniques after maxillary LeFort I osteotomy: A preliminary result.
2013年--12th International Congress on Cleft lip/Palate and related Craniofacial Anomalies,共計6位醫師參加

醫師姓名 投稿題目
黃炯興醫師 Surgery-First Approach to OGS(7th William Bell Lectureship).
  1. Computer assisted orthognathic surgery.
  2. Surgical treatment for hemifacial microsomia (10th Asian Pacific Craniofacial Association and Australasian Cleft Lip and Palate Society,Adelaide, Australia).
柯雯青醫師 Definitive facial correction of craniofacial microsomia: orthodontic treatment consideration.-(The 16th Congress of International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS).
王郁智醫師 Surgical Correction of Bimaxillary Protrusion(第十一回九州矯正齒科學會學術大會).
  1. Nasoalveolar molding and unilateral cleft lip repair.
  2. A briefing of Samuel Noordhoff and some long-term result of his patients.(8th Asian pacific Cleft Lip & Palate/ Craniofacial Congress).
姚全豐醫師 Medial Sub-Coronoid Bone Graft Technique: A Novel Source of Bone Grafts in Craniomaxillofacial Surgery.(Presented in 16th Congress of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery, Tokyo Japan,).
林秀霞博士研究員 Computer Assisted Radiology 28th International Congress and Exhibition (Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS).
2014-2015 國際研討會
長庚顱顏醫學研究中心︱地址: 桃園市龜山區頂湖路123號 醫療大樓B2F顱顏醫學研究中心︱電話: (03)319-6200 轉 3455
網頁負責人: 林秀霞博士︱E-mail:sharley@cgmh.org.tw︱網頁更新日期: 2022/01/21
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